Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Best Way to Go To A New Location in Metro Manila

1.  If you are to visit a friend at work/home, go to an interview, it never hurts to ask for directions from where you will be coming from.  They can give you the best route, advise you about the right fare, and tell you where to get off nearest their building/location.

I've met people attending our orientations and apologizing for being late simply because they have gotten lost and could not find the building.  I would have been more than happy to give them directions if I only knew!

2. If you are too proud/ shy to ask, it is best to consult google maps (  It even gives you landmarks nearthe location you are supposed to go.

3.  At times, it is best to take the cab if the driver knows how to get there.  Otherwise, you scringe at every increase in your taxi fare just by going around the area asking bystanders for directions.

Friday, February 11, 2011

MRT and LRT: The Best Transporations to Beat Metro Manila Traffic

One of the best ways to beat the traffic is to take the MRT and the LRT.  With these, you can accurately calculate your time travel.  No more making excuses for cause of delay or tardiness at work!

To efficiently and effectively use these modes of transportation, the following tips work best:

1.       If you frequently use these modes of transportation, it is best to buy a pre-paid card.  It only costs PhP100.  Aside from saving time from falling in line to get the ticket, you also save money with the “Bonus Last Ride”.

2.       The coolest areas are those in between the trains, the accordion like areas.  This is where the air-conditioners are located. It is always the most spacious area because people hardly squeeze themselves in.

3.       If you are a senior citizen, handicapped or a female, it is best to use the first train.

4.  When I am from Ayala or Buendia and I am heading North, I usually make a roundtrip so I can have a seat.  I take the train bound for Taft.  When it reaches this station, I do not get off.  Instead I take the time to choose the best seat and then wait until the train heads north.      

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tips in Riding Jeepneys

  1. 1.      When the barker says, “Isa na lang” or “Dalawa na lang” (“Only 1 more”, “Only 2 more”), this means, be ready to squeeze yourself in.  Often, when a driver says “Pituhan” (good for seven people”), it means it is good for 7 slim to medium-size frame passengers.  So when there are passengers who are on the big to extra large frame, only a small portion of your butt can be accommodated.  Unless you are in hurry, try getting on another jeep.

  2. 2.       Prepare exact fare.  Pinoy drivers are often quick to respond when passengers give their fare but not when it comes to giving their change.   There are already so many instances when passengers remind the drivers several times before they are given their change.  At times, when the change is of minimal amount, the passengers do not think it is worth wasting their voice (or worth shouting for that matter) so they don’t get them at all.

  3. 3.       For convenience purposes, it is always best to sit at the far end of the jeep, away from the driver.  This way, you will not be disturbed when another passenger hands over his/her fare.  What  is usually irritating is when a passenger hands over to you his/her fare, and there is nobody near the driver to get it.  When this happens, you are expected you to move your way towards the driver.

  4. 4.       When you are not yet sure where exactly to get off, it is best to sit near the driver (either directly at his back, or beside him) .  This way, you don’t have to shout when you need to ask the driver.  Also, you can remind him gently by asking every now and then, “Malapit na po ba?” (Is it near already?)  I have had experiences when I hear the driver say “Lumagpas na tayo” (Oh, we already missed the area/  We got pass the area already) even if you have earlier asked him to drop you off at the exact point.